University of Surreyのdo Carmo先生をお招きして講演会を行います。
タイトル:The future needs responsible translators (more than better AI) 講演者:Félix do Carmo (University of Surrey)
日時:2023年9月11日(月)15:00 - 16:30 場所:立教大学 池袋キャンパス 4号館 4341教室(およびZoom配信あり) ※英語での発表になります。
(more than better AI)**
Senior Lecturer in Translation and Natural Language Processing
Centre for Translation Studies, University of Surrey, UK
Current discussions and fears about the power of technology stem from the capacity of AI to convincingly simulate the generation of text and speech in different languages. This came to reinforce the notion that neural machine translation is a viable method to solve the need for continuous availability of translation, as required by global trade. The intensity of the push for technology-led solutions is such that Translation Studies scholars and translators seem not to have had time to reflect and make informed decisions about how to prepare for the challenges of the near future.
This presentation aims at covering different questions that are currently begging for answer. I will start from unpicking how AI deeply depends on human knowledge, and how specific discourses create myths and hype that disguise its flaws and shortcomings. The discussion will move to ethical concerns about business models that are not built to support knowledge workers. The future of translators, the ones currently in the profession, and the ones we are training, depends on the understanding of the responsibilities of translators and on the recognition of translation as a demanding and specialised profession.
University of Rikkyo, College of Intercultural Communication,
Room 4341 (building 4) & online
11 September 2023, 15:00 – 16:30 (Tokyo)
**Registration Required (**Free of Charge)